Well read this nut conversation
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hi
You: bales coy
You: anak mana /
You: kelas ?
You: sekola di
You: umur ?
You: ce atau co ?
You: busett
You: kacang bet
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
nah ada juga yang gila kaya gini nih dasar nih orang emang gila.
Stranger: 야
Stranger: 뭐야
Stranger: 꺼져
You: hi
Stranger: 꺼지세
Stranger: ㅁ
Stranger: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Stranger: 빠가야로
Stranger: ㅎㅎㅎ
You: i don't speak japan or whatever is that
Stranger: japan?
Stranger: fuck
You: what ?
Stranger: shit
Stranger: 개새끼야
Stranger: 씨발새꺄
You: where do you come from ?
Stranger: 내가 일본사람으로 보이냐
Stranger: ssiba sekiya
You: sampean iki ngomong op too
Stranger: gae ssibal
You: aku ra ngerti aku wong jowo
Stranger: noma
Stranger: ssibal mora hana
You: sampean wong endi thoo ?
Stranger: haha
You: ngomonge seng genah thoo
Stranger: bbaka yaroo~
You: im not baka
You: you tuh yang crazy
Stranger: bbaka
Stranger: www
You: seng genahh rek lek ngomong
Stranger: baka yarooooooo
Stranger: you baka
You: sampean iki nduwe mulut ora disekolahke opo ?
You: baka
You: baka
You: baka
Stranger: wwwwww
Stranger: japaaaaaaaaaaneeses
Stranger: fuck japanere
You: hajimemashite
You: watashi no namae wa sakura desu
Stranger: watashiwa nihonjin
Stranger: hahahahaa
You: watashi wa ju san sai desu
Stranger: fuxk sakura
Stranger: wwwww
Stranger: 13
Stranger: fuck
You: what the hell ? my name isn't sakura weeekk
Stranger: sakura kkkkkkk
Stranger: fuck japanese
You: nihonjin fcukk
Stranger: nihonjin fuck~~!!!!
Stranger: nihonjin ssssssssshhhiiiiittttt
Stranger: jap
Stranger: zap
You: indonesia tanah air ku tanah tumpah darahku di sana lah aku berdiri jadi panduk ibu ku
Stranger: fuck zap
Stranger: yellow monkey zap
You: ancene wong iki gendeng
Stranger: wahawhahhwahwha
Stranger: fuck zap
You: crazy lo
Stranger: fuck zap girl www
You: alay lo ! tau alay ga ? alay tuh kaya gini nih H4lo n4M4 GuwW NcHuuMMMzzz
You have disconnected.
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