Sunday, May 24, 2009

post again

hi fellas long time no see..
gue kangen deh sama clavente hihi wiii
eh iya kemaren hari senin gue ke pim dalam rangka aufar's birthday sama dinda, mia, astrid, winda, jerry, alief, rey. Si rey sarap deh belom nonton udah pulang jadi cuman main time crisis doang haha. Disana gue juga ketemu anak artik kaya dio, syahmar, aby, armand, pokoknya anak and the geng deh kecuali adit sama angga.
nonton angels and demons, pulang nya seru deh naik mobilnya jerry haha

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My BestFriends

I love you all my besfriends. No words can explain it.  You all the reason a still alive. So hard to let you go from me, i can't. I need you every moment, so don't go from me. When i was sad you always here next to me. Pokoknya I love youu :)

The Award

Hi gue dapet award dari sinta hihi, makasey yaa awardnya

1. Put this award ASAP. Maybe in your new post
2. Tag this award to people as many as you like
3. Mention 5 of your favorite blogs with the reason :)
4. Mention the person who gives you this award

and i tag :
1. Dinda dia bestfriend guee 
2. Sinta orang nya baik banget sumpahh
3. Astrid blog nya keren lho
4. Ajeng blog nya juga ga kalah bagus lho
6. Olla bestfriend guedari SD
7. Lia bestfriend gue dari SD juga

Sylvanian Family

Eh tolong dong kalo ada yang jual sylvanian family dengan harga murah kasih tau gue yaa. Soalnya dari dulu gue pengen beli tapi ga kesampaian 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

For you, boy

Temen gue dari dulu yang sempet suka gue udah punya cewek. Tapi lo tau ga sih ? dia jadian ga bilang - bilang. Gue ngerasa gimana gitu ngeliat status nya in relationship sama orang yang suka dia ceritain ke gue. Pas gue tau tuh, gue ngerasa sedih, jealous (tapi bukan karena suka), pokoknya ngerasa sedih -sedih gitu deh. Tapi ya waktu dia nembak juga gue tolak sih. Yah sabar ya boy. Iya gue tau emang mungkin ini yang terbaik buat dia, kalo dia nunggu in gue terus gue ga bakal mau pacaran, bukan karena dia gimana gitu. Tapi gue pikir, gue belum butuh pacaran buat apa pacaran kalo entar akhir - akhirnya putus ? Mungkin lebih enak kalo kita cuma BFF. Ya itu emang bener. Tapi walaupun lo udah punya cewek lo jangan sombong sama gue yaaa, kalo  gue sms bales yaaa. Bukannya gue masih suka sama lo atau apa, gue nganggep lo BFF. Kita masih temenan kan ??

Friday, May 8, 2009

Who am i ?

i am a loser. i don't even better that them. i am less than before.


heya, tadi gue ke artik lho. Anak yang punya FB dikasih tau semua kok hehe. Gue berangkat ke smabel bareng vania, dania, temi, naik taksi HAHAHA. Pas udah nyampe di artik kan taksinya 21.000, tadinya mau patungan tapi biar cepet pake duit temi ntar digantiin tapi ga ada yang mau gantiin haha sabar aja yah tem..
Sampe di artik ada lika, bella, wulan, aby, dio, armand, artyan, prawira, diza terus banyak deeech terus kita ngobrol putu putu wikikiiikiw. Oh iya ada nabila New York yang sangat kurindukaaaaaan !!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe sekarang dia jadi tinggi, cantik, pake behel, rambutnya udah lurus and so slim hehehe. Terus nyusul dateng si ayas, gaby, shifa, liaa. Jadi tambah seru deeeh hehe. Tapi sayang nih si olla ga dateng coba kalo dateng pasti seruu..

Monday, May 4, 2009

Read this

"we are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we fine someone weirdness is comptible ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love

Sunday, May 3, 2009


from a long jorney i had left. Finally i end that's miserable conditions. I'm glad if we can be like that old day. We'll dance like the old time, we made a lip sync together. Hehehehe.. I love you guys :) 
I love you all, you make me smile everyday i meet.


What's your current obsession?
My laptop, i just changed windows xp home to windows xp pro. That's great and i had iTunes now LOL

What's your weirdest obsession?
gangguin orang yang lagi jalan

What are you wearing today?
A white shirt, blue tie, white skirt and a pair of black sneakers (my uniform).

What's for dinner today?
I eat something in my house

Why is today special?
i meet my friends after a week holiday

What would you learn to do?
Many things

What's the last thing you bought?
nyam nyam

What are you listening to right now?
i'm not listening to something

What is your favorite weather?
i don't know

What is your most challenging goal right now?
I want to pass my 7th year with good scores, i want to be a good pianist

What do you think of a person that tagged you?
she's kind, funny

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Australia ae cede'

What would you like to have in your hand right now?
crocs mary jane, for now

What would you like to get rid of?
chicken that's still alive

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hours, where would it be?

Which language do you want to learn?
English, German, France

What do you look for in a friend?
honest, kind, trustworthy

Who do you want to meet in person?
Mama Izzat :)

What's your favorite type of music?
Pop, classic

What's the favorite piece of clothing in your closet?
short and old t-shirt

What is your dream job?
dokter anak

Any favorite models?
ga tau

If you have £100 what would you spend it on?
clothes, crocs, shoes, travel around world

Favorite designers?
no one i know -___-

Fashion pet peeve?
ga tau artinya

Do you admire anyone's style?

Describe your personal style!
Simple is the best

This for :
