Tadi gue rencana mau ke FX mau interview. Tapi kata Dinda thamrin sama sudirman ditutup, jadi kalo ga sency yaa PIM. Hmm, mulai kita ngumpul di food court. Waktu gue lagi nyari mereka gue ketemu didit yaudah gue dadah-in tu bocah.. Pas udah ketemu sinta sama miaa. Gue n Sinta mesen Wendy's dulu.. Waktu udah balik ke meja tiba - tiba astrid ngomong "eh chum tuh ada alief di depan tuh !".. gue nyari2 ga ketemu eeh terus gue liat dia lagi sama adek, nyokap sama kaka kelas gitu lagi makan. Dia ga nyadar kalo kita liatin, eh terus kaka kelas nya bisik2 ke alief terus alief nyadar terus dia senyum2 ke kitaa HAHA..
Abis makan kita mesen tiket di XXI gue pertama nya boleh. Tapi pas udah mesen tiket my mother called that i couldn't watched moviee.. ohh WTF !!! Akhir nya gue telfon dan mohon2 akhirnya boleh. YESSY !
Terus kita ke LG nyari bule. Di eskalator ada bule cowok baju ungu lagi sendirian. Akhirnya gue sama astrid ngikutin diaa. Diliat dari tampang nya sih kaya nya dia lagi ke sasar hehe. Pas di sapa akhirnya kita interview diaa.. katanya jakarta itu bad traffic (yaaa that's right ), hot, too many motorcycles.. i think that true
Kata nya dia dateng dari New York ke Jakarta buat kerja bukan buat ke sasar (?). Namanya Timothy gue denger nya Timithy HAHA.. Orang nya friendly dan tetep ngertiin kita walaupun bahasa kita acak adul. Yaa seengga nya he's better than yang di Ambaasss itu dah hehe..
Terus kita ke XXI, masa gue disuruh pulang ga usah nonton (WTF ??),, yang lainnya nyruh gue nonton. Tapi mau gimana lagi akhirnya tiket gue buat adek nya Dinda dechhh..
Pas gue mau ke nyokap gue di GF deket nya Watch Fair. Gue ketemu orang gitu lagi nari nari kaya apaan tau. huaaweei.. terus gue bilang ke nyokap gue " bu itu ada ******" haha di samperin deh ! Gue sempet tatap tatapan lama sama si "tiga" HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... ada untung nya juga ga ikut tan nonton hahahaa.. Guys i'm happy saw him HAHAHA (LOL)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
This is about what i want
Heyy.. This post may i copied from Dinda and Sinta.. hehe. But it's an interesting post (LOL).. okay let's start :
1. i want a lot of money and also be a rich person
2. i want new hand phone ( maybe sidekick or blackberry yeah :)
3. Big house
4. i want my own island ( hehe.. i think i never get it )
5. i want to be stylish and smart
6. i want a loads of clothes
okay that's all. But there are many things i want, i can't write
Adios friends
1. i want a lot of money and also be a rich person
2. i want new hand phone ( maybe sidekick or blackberry yeah :)
3. Big house
4. i want my own island ( hehe.. i think i never get it )
5. i want to be stylish and smart
6. i want a loads of clothes
okay that's all. But there are many things i want, i can't write
Adios friends
Friday, April 24, 2009
hey gue bingung besok ikut atau engga.
besok rencana nya gue, astrid, dinda, mia, sinta , ajeng mau interview foreigner. tapi groupnya clavente bikin event juga besok jalan ke PIM.
yang ngebet banget sih anak cowok, gue ga dateng ga masalah.
Yang paling penting itu tugas nyaa, belom bikin dokumentar. INi juga yang dokumentar katanya jerry, raka, gogor udah masuk kelompok aufar, padahal kita udag nge tag duluan. Jadi cuman berenam.
Bikin presentasi biologi juga belom, mana buku gue ketinggalan di loker lagi..
ambil nilai renang juga belom, harus nya minggu depan tapi minggu depan libur.. kapan doong
banyak banget deh tugas nya
bingung yang mana yang harus dikerjain dulu
oh iya dinda kata nya sakit. Get well soon banget yaa, semoga lekas sembuh.. Tidur, makan yang banyak, minum air putih yang banyak ya biar cepet sembuh.
besok rencana nya gue, astrid, dinda, mia, sinta , ajeng mau interview foreigner. tapi groupnya clavente bikin event juga besok jalan ke PIM.
yang ngebet banget sih anak cowok, gue ga dateng ga masalah.
Yang paling penting itu tugas nyaa, belom bikin dokumentar. INi juga yang dokumentar katanya jerry, raka, gogor udah masuk kelompok aufar, padahal kita udag nge tag duluan. Jadi cuman berenam.
Bikin presentasi biologi juga belom, mana buku gue ketinggalan di loker lagi..
ambil nilai renang juga belom, harus nya minggu depan tapi minggu depan libur.. kapan doong
banyak banget deh tugas nya
bingung yang mana yang harus dikerjain dulu
oh iya dinda kata nya sakit. Get well soon banget yaa, semoga lekas sembuh.. Tidur, makan yang banyak, minum air putih yang banyak ya biar cepet sembuh.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
i don't care about you again, i don't care if you want to dancing like a crazy monkey in the zoo, i don't care if you will leave.
Homework from sinta, astrid dinda
This is Homework from astrid, dinda and sinta
1. Last beverage →telur ceplok sama chicken tofu
2. Last phone call → Winda.
3. Last text message→ Astrid
4. Last song you listened to → Wait a minute - pussycats doll
5. Last time you cried→ forget
1. Dated someone twice → no
2. Been cheated on? → no
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? →no
4. Lost someone special?→ yes
5. Been depressed?→ yes, because...
6. Been drunk and threw up? → no
1. blue
2. green
3. pink
1. Made new friends → yes
2. Fallen out of love → yes
3. Laughed until you cried → yes
4. Met someone who changed you → hmm
5. Found out who your true friends were → yes yes
6. Found out someone was talking about you → yes
7. Kissed anyone on your friend list → yes, i kissed astrid hihi
8. How many people on your friend list do you know in real life → a lot, except friends in facebook
9. How many kids do you want to have → 2. one boy and one girl
10. Do you have any pets → no
11. Do you want to change your name→ i don't know
12. What did you do for your last birthday → played with my friends
13. What time did you wake up today → forget, maybe about 06.30
14. What were you doing at midnight last night? → sleeping (of course)
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → mama ijat (LOL)
16. Last time you saw your father→ 12.33
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → confused about that
18. What are you listening to right now → i'm not listening to anything
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → no
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → hoaaaaheem
24. Most visited web page → facebook
1. What's your name → Anisa Chandra Kharimah
2. Nicknames → Anisa
3. Relationship Status → single
4. Zodiac sign → lAquarius
5. Male or female or transgendered → female
6. Elementary → ar rahman motik elementary school
7. Middle School → 115 junior high school
8. High school → i don't know
10. Hair color → black/dark brown (?)
11. Long or short → long
16. Height → i don't even know
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → maybe (?)
18. What do you like about yourself → don't know
19. Piercings → no
20. Tattoos → nope
21. Righty or lefty → righty
22. First surgery → forgot
23. First piercing → forgot
24. First best friends → ardiza khairina putri
25. First sport you joined → swimming
26. First pet → two rabbits
28. First vacation → forgot
29. First concert → forgot
30. First crush → ****
49. Eating → don't know
50. Drinking → air susu ibu (of course)
52. I'm about to → idk
53. Listening to → forgot.
55.Waiting for → forgot
58. Want kids? → of course guys
59. Want to get married? → yes
60. Careers in mind? → doctor
68. Lips or eyes → eyes
69. Hugs or kisses → hugs
70. Shorter or taller → taller
71. Older or Younger → Older
72. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → ?
74. Sensitive or loud → ?
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → ?
78. Kissed a stranger → no
79. Drank hard liquor → nooooo noo noo
80. Lost glasses/contacts → no
81. Sex on first date → nooooooooooooooo! never ever
82. Broken someone's heart → yes maybe
83. Had your own heart broken → yeah
85. Been arrested → no
86. Turned someone down → IDK
87. Cried when someone died → no
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → no
89. Yourself → yes
90. Miracles → yes
91. Love at first sight → yes
92. Heaven → yes, i want to enter heaven
93. Santa Clause → of course no
95. Kiss on the first date? → no
96. Angels → yes
97 Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → nooo
99. Had a pregnancy scare? → i don't understand
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → maybe
this is for :
1. Last beverage →telur ceplok sama chicken tofu
2. Last phone call → Winda.
3. Last text message→ Astrid
4. Last song you listened to → Wait a minute - pussycats doll
5. Last time you cried→ forget
1. Dated someone twice → no
2. Been cheated on? → no
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? →no
4. Lost someone special?→ yes
5. Been depressed?→ yes, because...
6. Been drunk and threw up? → no
1. blue
2. green
3. pink
1. Made new friends → yes
2. Fallen out of love → yes
3. Laughed until you cried → yes
4. Met someone who changed you → hmm
5. Found out who your true friends were → yes yes
6. Found out someone was talking about you → yes
7. Kissed anyone on your friend list → yes, i kissed astrid hihi
8. How many people on your friend list do you know in real life → a lot, except friends in facebook
9. How many kids do you want to have → 2. one boy and one girl
10. Do you have any pets → no
11. Do you want to change your name→ i don't know
12. What did you do for your last birthday → played with my friends
13. What time did you wake up today → forget, maybe about 06.30
14. What were you doing at midnight last night? → sleeping (of course)
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → mama ijat (LOL)
16. Last time you saw your father→ 12.33
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → confused about that
18. What are you listening to right now → i'm not listening to anything
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → no
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → hoaaaaheem
24. Most visited web page → facebook
1. What's your name → Anisa Chandra Kharimah
2. Nicknames → Anisa
3. Relationship Status → single
4. Zodiac sign → lAquarius
5. Male or female or transgendered → female
6. Elementary → ar rahman motik elementary school
7. Middle School → 115 junior high school
8. High school → i don't know
10. Hair color → black/dark brown (?)
11. Long or short → long
16. Height → i don't even know
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → maybe (?)
18. What do you like about yourself → don't know
19. Piercings → no
20. Tattoos → nope
21. Righty or lefty → righty
22. First surgery → forgot
23. First piercing → forgot
24. First best friends → ardiza khairina putri
25. First sport you joined → swimming
26. First pet → two rabbits
28. First vacation → forgot
29. First concert → forgot
30. First crush → ****
49. Eating → don't know
50. Drinking → air susu ibu (of course)
52. I'm about to → idk
53. Listening to → forgot.
55.Waiting for → forgot
58. Want kids? → of course guys
59. Want to get married? → yes
60. Careers in mind? → doctor
68. Lips or eyes → eyes
69. Hugs or kisses → hugs
70. Shorter or taller → taller
71. Older or Younger → Older
72. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → ?
74. Sensitive or loud → ?
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → ?
78. Kissed a stranger → no
79. Drank hard liquor → nooooo noo noo
80. Lost glasses/contacts → no
81. Sex on first date → nooooooooooooooo! never ever
82. Broken someone's heart → yes maybe
83. Had your own heart broken → yeah
85. Been arrested → no
86. Turned someone down → IDK
87. Cried when someone died → no
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → no
89. Yourself → yes
90. Miracles → yes
91. Love at first sight → yes
92. Heaven → yes, i want to enter heaven
93. Santa Clause → of course no
95. Kiss on the first date? → no
96. Angels → yes
97 Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → nooo
99. Had a pregnancy scare? → i don't understand
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → maybe
this is for :
Monday, April 20, 2009
hey hoooo gue dapet award nih dari Sinta.. heheh makasih yaa sintaaa
daan yang beruntung adaalaah :
1. Dinda
2. Astrid
3. Ajeng
4. Winda
5. Dhila
6. Olla
7. Lia
8. Citra
9. Birra
10. Gaby
Thanks yaa
1. Letakkan logo di blog anda
2. Tulis link blog yang memberi anda award
3. Berikan kembali award kepada 10 blogger yang dianggap paling friendly dan inspiratif dan buat link mereka di postingan anda
daan yang beruntung adaalaah :
1. Dinda
2. Astrid
3. Ajeng
4. Winda
5. Dhila
6. Olla
7. Lia
8. Citra
9. Birra
10. Gaby
Thanks yaa
Saturday, April 18, 2009
malem bowk
ehe gue ga bisa tidur nih padahal tadi siang gue main mulu.. akhirnya gue baca fruits basket deeh di onemangaa. Jadi ketawa sendiri di kamar kaya orang waras (?).
Bosen nihhh.. ga ada temen eike, huee eike kesepian (ga gituu )
Bosen nihhh.. ga ada temen eike, huee eike kesepian (ga gituu )
i want it all
aku sangat ingin iniii.... hmpphh

huee lucu bangett apalagi yang betty bop sama mr.happy atau apalah itu, tadi di ambass gue liat ada di toko barang reject(kata winda) itu 470ribuuu.. pengeeeeen sekaaaaliii

dr. marterns shoes.. ohh how cool is it.. gue nyari di eBay kaga adaa.. where did i can buy it ?
sbenernyaa banyak banget yang gue pengeninnnn huee
gue jadi pengen Nike SB yang purple pigeon itu deh yang kesukaannya astrid..

huee lucu bangett apalagi yang betty bop sama mr.happy atau apalah itu, tadi di ambass gue liat ada di toko barang reject(kata winda) itu 470ribuuu.. pengeeeeen sekaaaaliii

dr. marterns shoes.. ohh how cool is it.. gue nyari di eBay kaga adaa.. where did i can buy it ?
sbenernyaa banyak banget yang gue pengeninnnn huee
gue jadi pengen Nike SB yang purple pigeon itu deh yang kesukaannya astrid..
yohoo kaw, sedang apa ? gue dapet tag nih dari dhila, sinta, ajengg. silahkan di kentutin foto nya ya -,-
The rules:
1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture
3. post that picture with no editing
4. post this instruction with your picture
5. tag 10 people to do this
.jpg)
iya gue tau gue alayyy.. silahkan kentut setelah melihat penampakan ini
ini buat :
siapa aja yang mau boleeeehhhh
The rules:
1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture
3. post that picture with no editing
4. post this instruction with your picture
5. tag 10 people to do this
.jpg)
iya gue tau gue alayyy.. silahkan kentut setelah melihat penampakan ini
ini buat :
siapa aja yang mau boleeeehhhh
Kan jumat gue nonton fast and furious di sebud sama Winda. EEEEEEeeeh masa ketemu si dio sama aby, buakakakakak. Terus di sebud ketemu anak 7-4 juga.
Fast and furious nnya seru bowwkkk. Pas udah selese nonton gue ketemu adek kelas gue -___- kenape ketemu nya di sebud mulu..
Karena winda trauma sama Dead Silence, terus nyokap nya pergi ke cirebon. akhirnya winda nginep di rumah gueeee.... eeh gue kaga bisa tiduuur, abis nya attuuddd kalo lampu nya di matiin. yaudah gue nyalain deechhh..
Besok nya gue sama winda ke rumah winda. terus ke ambasss. Pertama di sana tujuannya mau beli conan 53 tapi ga ada. yaudah gue beli fruits basket 20 deh. terus sekalian beli kado buat izzat gue kasih kaset ps GTA san andreas versi superman -,-.. teruuuuuus kamu tahuuuu.. kan abis liat liat di toko barang2 reject di ambass ada Nike SB 385 rebooooooo boowk. Terus ada adidas mr.happy gue pengeeen sumpaaha. habis dari sono kita berjalanaaananan daan akhirnya gue menyadari ada orang berpaha bohai yang sepertinya sudah kukenal. dia adalah GABRIEL EDSON. Ohmaiguat gue sama winda langsung kabur takut di pukul tiba - tiba. karena gue nekadd gue sok sok pura pura lewat di depannyaaaaa. ternyata emang bener si gerrard ithuuuwww. dari semua anak ILP kenapa harus ketemunya diee yee ?? siapa kek yang warassan dikit agif kek, evan kek, adin kek, shella kek atau siapa lah asal jangan si gerrard. Huaa ngeri bet dah
abis itu ke ke carefour.....
oh iya, masa ya pas winda nginep di rumah gue, dia sms temen gue, tapi dia malah sms ke nomer bokap nya. mana pake HP gue lagi. jadilah gue sms sama om om ah ngeri bet dah tu bocah..
udah yaa. maaf kalo ga jelas lagi ngaatuuuuuuuk
Fast and furious nnya seru bowwkkk. Pas udah selese nonton gue ketemu adek kelas gue -___- kenape ketemu nya di sebud mulu..
Karena winda trauma sama Dead Silence, terus nyokap nya pergi ke cirebon. akhirnya winda nginep di rumah gueeee.... eeh gue kaga bisa tiduuur, abis nya attuuddd kalo lampu nya di matiin. yaudah gue nyalain deechhh..
Besok nya gue sama winda ke rumah winda. terus ke ambasss. Pertama di sana tujuannya mau beli conan 53 tapi ga ada. yaudah gue beli fruits basket 20 deh. terus sekalian beli kado buat izzat gue kasih kaset ps GTA san andreas versi superman -,-.. teruuuuuus kamu tahuuuu.. kan abis liat liat di toko barang2 reject di ambass ada Nike SB 385 rebooooooo boowk. Terus ada adidas mr.happy gue pengeeen sumpaaha. habis dari sono kita berjalanaaananan daan akhirnya gue menyadari ada orang berpaha bohai yang sepertinya sudah kukenal. dia adalah GABRIEL EDSON. Ohmaiguat gue sama winda langsung kabur takut di pukul tiba - tiba. karena gue nekadd gue sok sok pura pura lewat di depannyaaaaa. ternyata emang bener si gerrard ithuuuwww. dari semua anak ILP kenapa harus ketemunya diee yee ?? siapa kek yang warassan dikit agif kek, evan kek, adin kek, shella kek atau siapa lah asal jangan si gerrard. Huaa ngeri bet dah
abis itu ke ke carefour.....
oh iya, masa ya pas winda nginep di rumah gue, dia sms temen gue, tapi dia malah sms ke nomer bokap nya. mana pake HP gue lagi. jadilah gue sms sama om om ah ngeri bet dah tu bocah..
udah yaa. maaf kalo ga jelas lagi ngaatuuuuuuuk
Thursday, April 9, 2009
eh tau gasih.. Kemaren gue buka email yahoo guee. Terus ada someone ol !! huaaaa senengnya minta dikasih duit (?) terus gue sapa diaa.. TAPI tiba - tiba pulsa moden gue abiiiiiiiiiiiiis !!! sumpah dasar modem sialaaaaan ! akhirnya gue off deh, padahal tadi chat nya belom sempet di balesssssss.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Friday, April 3, 2009
Parah gidhu
tadi kan pas pulang sekolah gue agak lama di jemput nya nah terus di kelas gue, astrid, winda, citra, sinta nyari something parah di internet buakakakkakakakakak parah abis.
Oh ya, tadi gue dapet kado dari Diinda boneka apa ya ? namanya lupa gue hmmmmmm unget inget duluuuuuuuuuuu.. ah lupa ah. pokoknya boneka nya luucu bau nya wangi sangadhhhh hehheheheh,,
Oh ya, tadi gue dapet kado dari Diinda boneka apa ya ? namanya lupa gue hmmmmmm unget inget duluuuuuuuuuuu.. ah lupa ah. pokoknya boneka nya luucu bau nya wangi sangadhhhh hehheheheh,,
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